Thu May 16 2024

Data & Drinks: polars.DataFrame.plot(), and Summarizing reviews with GenAI

Raamstraat 7, 1016 XL Amsterdam

Updated speakers: Join us in the May edition of the Data & Drinks event, where we have two special and very current presentations delivered by our guest speakers: Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Xomnia Jeroen Janssens and Software Engineer at Aigul Iakupova.

Our free event will take place at Xomnia's HQ in Amsterdam, where we will offer a light dinner, snacks, drinks, and of course a lot of opportunities to mingle and network from data & AI professionals from Amsterdam and beyond.

Presentation summaries:

  • Talk #1: polars.DataFrame.plot() by Jeroen Janssens

Sure, DataFrame Library Polars is fast - blazingly fast even. But how do you turn those dull DataFrames into something insightful? Fortunately, Python provides a plethora of packages, each with its own set of features, assumptions, and pitfalls. In this talk, Jeoren Janssens walks us through a couple of packages to create pretty pictures. This includes hvPlot for quick plotting, Bokeh for interactive visualizations, and Plotnine for leveraging the grammar of graphics in Python. In addition, he'll demonstrate the Great Tables package for creating, well, great tables.

By the end you'll have a good idea of what each package has to offer, when to use which, and how to use them in combination with Polars.

  • Talk #2: Summarizing reviews with GenAI by Aigul Iakupova

For big tech companies such as, it is essential to improve business metrics while maintaining optimized technical solutions. This project was born as a Perl library, and uses GPT for generating hotel descriptions based on real clients' experience. In this talk, Software Engineer Aigul Iakupova discusses how the last 50 reviews were picked up for generating main features. She will also share the results and challenges of the experiment, comparing AI generated output with that made with human resources.

Speakers' Biographies:

  • Jeroen Janssens, PhD: Jeroen is a data science consultant and certified instructor. His expertise lies in visualizing data, implementing machine learning models, and building solutions using Python, R, JavaScript, and Bash. He’s passionate about helping and teaching others to do such things. Jeroen works as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Xomnia in Amsterdam. Prior to that, he ran, for six years, his own company Data Science Workshops, which was a training and coaching firm that organized open enrollment workshops, in-company courses, hackathons, and meetups.
  • Aigul Iakupova: Aigul is a software engineer with a strong passion for innovative technologies. Here beliefs are standing for equality, diversity, inclusion and giving everyone an equal chance. She has worked in the biggest global corporations and would like to share more about interesting projects she had along her journey in data.


  • 17:30-18.30: Walk-ins & dinner
  • 18.30-18.35: Introduction to Xomnia
  • 18:35-19:10: polars.DataFrame.plot() by Jeroen Janssens
  • 19:10-19:20: Break
  • 19.20-20.00: Summarizing reviews with GenAI by Aigul Iakupova
  • 20:00-21.00: Borrel