Fri Jan 18 2019

Xomnia travels to Canada and USA to teach Big Data Engineering Fundamentals

As a data scientist or engineer @Xomnia you work for clients but also train companies, interested people and our trainees. Marius and Ritchie are @CGG, a geoscience company, to train 50 senior developers, data model architects and database & integration infrastructure experts. Central question is “How to build a scalable system in an ecosystem? “

During the training the attendees:

  • understand the most important concepts and technologies of Big Data Architecture;
  • get to know architectural best practices for developing scalable data systems;
  • have their first hands-on experience with Spark.

Do you want to work @Xomnia as a data scientist or engineer? Click here for more information.

Are you also interested in a tailored training program for your organisation or want to subscribe to an open training of Data Science Fundamentals starting on the 5th of March? Click here.