Tue Mar 19 2019

Xomnia and Amsterdam UMC team up to save lives with medical imaging

If an oncologist needs to make  a decision on how much radiation to apply, and where, in the treatment  of a cancer patient they are confronted with a large number of images,  which can sometimes provide conflicting information. They still need to  be able to make the right decision to help the patient…

Xomnia and the Amsterdam UMC teamup to improve medical treatments like radiation therapy to help save more lives. We refine the use of deformable image registration (DIR) and develop a system so that oncologists can make better and more informed decisions.

Big data meets advanced medical research

Medical imaging is a research area where the use of data has grown significantly. DIR aims to create one set of reference images so that medical staff have an accurate and  anatomical arrangement of medical images. The idea is to make it easier  for doctors to bridge the gap between theory and practise in their clinical application in oncological radiation therapy.

The big data adventure

A project of this scope, involving the use of machine learning, advanced modelling, and complex algorithms, needs big data experts. We’re very excited to work on this project to advance medical technology, with the aim of ultimately improving the quality of  patients’ lives. Besides that it brings together two teams of passionate, hard-working professionals: AMC’s medical specialists and our own engineers.

Want to get involved?

Do you get a kick out of working on projects like this? Want to work with the best people and be at the forefront of our technical team? Are you a biomedical engineer or a computer scientist who likes a challenge and feels at home in a cutting-edge, multi-disciplined environment? Then we want to talk to  you.

For more information, check out https://www.amc.nl/web/nieuws-en-verhalen/ons/betere-informatie-halen-uit-medische-beelden.htm