Thu Oct 17 2024

Steering inland ships & measuring draught of passing ships with AI

Raamstraat 7, Amsterdam
Thu Oct 17 202415:30
Raamstraat 7, Amster...
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In the October edition of the Data & Drinks event, we will focus on shipping and ports, two industries that are very important here in The Netherlands. Our guest speakers are Data Scientist at Shipping Technology Pim Dijt, and Domain Architect at Technolution Michael Dubbeldam.

This free event includes dinner, drinks and a lot of networking opportunities with data professionals from Amsterdam and beyond.


Talk #1 by Pim Dijt: How we use data from on-board sensor to develop algorithms that steer an inland vessel
Shipping Technology develops autonomous sailing applications for inland shipping using AI, which aim to support in maritime management, both onshore and offshore. To do this, we combine techniques from machine learning, systems and control with nautical insights. During their talk, Pim will delve into how we use data collected from on-board sensors, such as GPS-compass, gyro and radar, to develop algorithms that steer an inland vessel.

Talk #2 by Michael Dubbeldam: Vision AI for accurately measuring draught of passing ships
Abstract TBA

About the speakers

About Pim Dijt: With a background in Artificial Intelligence, Pim joined Shipping Technology as an intern. For his master's thesis, he researched the added value of self-supervised learning for detecting ships on radar images. After graduating, he remained at ST, where he now works as the lead developer for the Autonomous Lane Assist (ALA). His main focus is the development of the controller, which determines the optimal steering command to follow a given course over a river.

About Michael Dubbeldam: As a Domain Architect for the Mobility business unit, Michael oversees the functional, architectural, and technical aspects of projects. In recent years, he has specialized in machine learning, particularly deep learning. He developed the concept of FlowCube, a camera-based traffic sensor with embedded deep learning models that measure traffic flows of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Currently, Michael leads the AI competence group at Technolution, focusing on creating value for our customers by applying Machine Learning and other algorithms to solve real-world problems.


17:30-18.30: Walk-ins & dinner
18.30-18.35: Introduction to Xomnia
18:35-19:10: How we use data from on-board sensor to develop algorithms that steer an inland vessel
19:10-19:25: Break
19.25-20.00: Talk #2
20:00-21.00: Borrel